Monday, June 20, 2011

Two great men

My mom gave me some random pictures the other day that she found at her house.  I was looking through them, and saw so many oldies-but-goodies, and was just thinking about how great my dad is.
My dad has always been good for a laugh, between his random songs that he makes up and sings all the time, his crazy dance moves, or his nick names for everyone he meets.  I have been "Recker-Hecker-Becker-Bee" for as long as I can remember, who knows why, but there have been more nicknames that have come and gone besides.  He is the greatest dad!  I am so grateful for him.

The amazing thing is, I am noticing more and more how much Craig is like my dad.  It is crazy how things work out that way.    And when they get together, they gang up and sometimes there is no stopping them.

Craig is such an amazing husband, and the best dad ever for our little boy!  It has been so fun seeing him be such a cute new daddy.

He takes Calder on bike rides, plays the piano with him, reads books to him, it is the best thing to be able to watch!  

I am so grateful to have such a great dad, and such a wonderful husband who is the Best. Dad. Ever.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Calder's becoming quite the little man

We love summer!  (If it would ever really warm up here!)
Here he is getting ready to go swimming!!  I am impressed with his shoulder muscle definition already.
Oh, and where does this face come from?
("Craig's about to cry..."  "No I'm not!")...if you've seen the video, you know what I am talking about.
We LOVE all the faces Calder can pull.  He is quite the talented little boy!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Boneless Wyngz

 A new, classy way to say...
...Chicken nuggets.
I feel a little cheated.