Wednesday, September 26, 2012

26.2 Miles

Craig did it!  He ran a marathon.  I am so proud of him.  What an accomplishment!  I kept thinking of my half marathon as he was running his full.  And I realized, it isn't like eating a full cookie instead of a half, even though you are full.  And it is not like deciding to run 2 miles instead of 1.  We're talking running for 4 hours straight.  We're talking running the half marathon, and then turning around and running back to the start.  Wow.

They ran the first 14 miles down Blacksmith Fork canyon in Providence, UT.  Spectators could begin to watch there, at mile 14.  Craig was looking great! (It was at this point that I realized he had already run farther than I did in my whole race, and he still had at least 2 more hours to go.)
Mile 14
We saw him again at mile 17ish and then mile 20, and then we went to the finish line to make sure we had time to park and get there before he did.

Calder and Grandma Maughan waiting to see Craig run by.
He said he hit a major wall at mile 21, and that the last 5 miles were probably harder than the first 21.  I felt a little bad that we weren't there to cheer him on during those tough miles.
Big finish!
But he did it!  He finished!!  Way to go, Craig!!
I asked him for a victory pose and this is what he gave me.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Calder isn't so little anymore

My little boy is 18 months!  A year and half!  Time has FLOWN.

Weight: 23 lbs, 10 oz (20th percentile)
Length: 34 1/2 in. (90th percentile)
Head: 18 3/4 in. (45th percentile)

A few new things about Calder right now:
  • His first obsession is airplanes.  Every time he hears one, he gets so excited, and has to try and find it in the sky! And then he proceeds to tell me about it the rest of the day with little airplane arm movements with accompanying airplane sounds.  It is pretty cute.  We took him to the airport last Saturday so he could watch the planes take off. He LOVED it!
  • We have started taking Calder to nursery.  He thinks it is great - as long as mom is there. So we are working on how to help him understand that it is ok for him to be there by himself.  
What a tired boy!  Nursery is exhausting.  He almost made it home from church. :)
  • One of his favorite things to do is go swimming.  He is getting very comfortable in the water, (which sometimes makes me nervous!) and loves to kick around by himself in his little arm floaties. (But I don't let him do it too much by himself, the arm floaties only do so much to keep him up.)

  •  I used to carry Calder a lot of places, like to the car, or to and from the swimming pool, but not so much anymore.  He walks pretty much everywhere by himself.

Walking back home from the pool.  

  • Calder has started LOVING all blankets.  It doesn't have to be a particular one, which is nice, but he loves to give his blankets a big hug and carry them around when he gets tired.
  • He dedicates a half hour of every day to finding all the fallen acorns by our apartment and then proceeds to throw them into the stream or pond that is nearby.  He is actually getting quite a good arm!  Must be all the practice.
  • I think he is left-handed.  He eats primarily with his left hand and throws with his left hand.
  • He still loves the park and everything associated with it: swings, slides, climbing, etc.  We could spend all day at the park, and he would be a happy camper.
  • Calder is starting to say a lot of new words and animal sounds.  Some of the newer ones are: rock, did it (when he does something himself), please (peese), waffle, bubbles, blocks.  Apparently I need to start making a list of what he says, because I don't remember the others off the top of my head!
  • He understands everything we say, and it is so fun having conversations with him. Even if they are a bit one-sided right now.  He has definite opinions of what he likes and doesn't like.  
  • He is starting to be somewhat of a picky eater. I think he just likes being in control of what he eats, and when.
  • Calder is a big helper.  He loves to help with dishes, cooking, and other cleaning that we do around the house.  
We love you little man!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Meet the newest members of our family!

We got these little guys a week and a half ago. We love them!  We lost the orange one this morning. :(   Poor guy, he lived a good life.