Monday, October 29, 2012

NYC part 2

We spent the last couple days of our trip touring Manhattan with Jon-David and Becky.   We saw so many things!  I am probably forgetting some, and I didn't include pictures of everything.

They took us to a pizza place where the slices of pizza were bigger than my head!  It was awesome.  And I couldn't finish my slice, it was that big.
We also saw a grocery store - I couldn't believe how expensive everything was, and how cramped the isles were!  It is definitely easier to grocery shop here in Utah, where you can fit a big cart down the isles, and load it all up in the trunk of your car when you are done.

One my favorite places we went was High Line Park.  It is a park built from a former elevated railroad, and stretches about 1 1/2 miles. We walked through almost the whole thing. I thought it was a really fun way to see the city, because you were off the ground and could see more at once, plus your immediate surroundings were plants instead of cars.
File:High Line 20th Street looking downtown.jpg
High Line Park. (picture from Wikipedia.  The one we took wasn't very good.)
So I think the next picture is kind of fun for 2 reasons. 1 - I think it is random we saw a Home Depot in NYC.  And that the building is so fancy. 2 - I like that it illustrates the business of the city because we are the only things not moving in the picture.

We had some really good dumplings for lunch from Chinatown, and stopped at a park to eat them so Calder could play.  He LOVED chasing all the pigeons! I was just a little nervous that he might catch one.
A few other things we saw:
Flatiron Building
Times Square
We ate dinner at the Shake Shack, where we had the most amazing burgers!  Wow, they were good.
The Manhattan Temple
 We walked through Central Park to get to a huge toy store (I think it is the oldest toy store in the U.S., too) FAO Schwarz.  The picture of us in Central Park makes me laugh because I am super cheesy, Craig is falling asleep, and Calder is rockin' his sunglasses.
Central Park
In the toy store, there was a muppet workshop, where customers could design their own muppet. There was a doll factory and a newborn doll nursery.  There was also a bunch of specialized candy (like a 5 lb gummy bear.  gross)  Calder had so much fun seeing everything in the store.
Calder giving a high five to a giant lego Star Wars guy in FAO Schwarz.
 We also rode in a tram to Roosevelt Island and back.  It was pretty fun to see everything from up high.

We said goodbye to the Jorgensens and headed back to the airport.  Minus one wrong turn leading to paying for an extra toll road that we shouldn't have had to, and waiting in traffic for forever, it was fairly uneventful.

Once we got to the airport, Calder was in heaven!  He was so pleased to be able to see so many airplanes!
We were lucky enough to have an extra seat next to us on the way home, so Calder got the window seat and was entertained for almost 2 hours looking out the window, pulling the shade down and back up, and jumping on and off his chair.  It was perfect!


  1. Wow, it looks like you guys had a blast! Now I wanna go to NYC and see all those new places!

  2. That home depot picture is my favorite! I'm so glad you guys came!
