Friday, August 30, 2013

From one to two

Look at this beautiful girl!
8 days old

Calder loves to try on her headbands.  At least one of my kids likes them, right? :)
I can't believe our little Adelaide is already over 3 weeks old! The transition from one to two has gone fairly smoothly.  Adelaide came bearing gifts for Calder - he got a little golf set  - and that went over really well with him.  He loves it! And will play with his golf set every day.  Score!
He is quite the little golfer, despite being a lefty using right-handed clubs.
My mom came out and spent a week with us right after Adelaide was born.  It was so nice having her here!
Making cookies with Grandma
It was so nice to see her!
The week after my mom left, Craig and I were both sick. We were like two zombies trying to figure out how to take care of two kids.  It was a little crazy!  But last week, we were both feeling much better, and it was a much, much better week.  I feel like I am getting the hang of things.

Calder is doing pretty well with Adelaide.  I was worried when my Mom left that he would not do well without the extra attention, but he has done great.  He even asked me once when another baby was going to come to our house.  I'm not sure if it was because he wanted another one, or was just preparing himself for the possibility.  But either way little man, we aren't bring another baby home for a long, long, time. :)
Two kids!  Crazy! :)
 I will overhear Calder telling Adelaide stories about things he does, like how cool it was when he jumped on the tramp and did a somersault, etc.

When we drive somewhere (like the store) and we arrive, Calder will always say "Are you ready to go, baby Adeda?" (He can say Adelaide, but he usually just says Adeda.)
He is the cutest older brother.  It has been so fun seeing him with her these last few weeks.
 In an effort to save our furniture (couch, beds, etc.) we decided to pull the trigger and get a trampoline for Calder.  It has been the best thing ever! That has helped me with the transition to managing 2 kids, because he probably spends close to an hour outside jumping every day! (not all at once, but still it helps!)
He is getting very creative with the games he plays on his tramp.
Today I walked into the living room, and Calder was very quick to explain that he was just giving Adelaide a few dinosaurs to play with.  I love it. :)