Monday, January 6, 2014

Fall 2013

Yep. I'm a whole season behind.  Here goes!

Fall here in Arkansas was BEAUTIFUL!!  And it lasted sooo long! We tried to take advantage of the beautiful weather as much as we could.  In a nutshell:

Craig and Calder got to go see a Razorbacks football game. SEC Football - it is HUGE here.
The stadium is SO big - I think it holds 72,000 people.
 We went to a "Farmland Adventure."  The original idea was for a pumpkin patch, but this place had so many fun things to do!  The actual pumpkin patch was really lame, (the pickings were slim) and we ended up buying pumpkins at Walmart afterwards.  But we had a blast at every other activity they had there.
One of Calder's favorites - they had a pit filled with corn kernals, kind of like a sand box.  It was tough getting him out of there!
Calder's first experience on a pony!  He wasn't quite sure at first, but he got the hang of it.
They had tons of animals in a little petting zoo.  The goats were definitely Calder's favorite!
They even had a camel there - random, I know - but I love this picture!  Our friends the Abrams, came with us.
We even got to go through a corn maze! 
 Calder and I decorated Halloween cookies.  He was very meticulous about where he put the candy corn.
I made these clipboard frames!  They hang in our kitchen/dining area, and I love that I can display Calder's art projects in a more organized way.  Plus, I can change them out with each season/holiday!

 We went on tons of walks.  This particular area is just outside of Crystal Bridges, the art museum here.  So beautiful!  We came to this area several times this fall.

They have tons of different trails you can walk on.  All of them are so beautiful!
They had an activity on the lawn outside of the museum - we got to add to the giant spider web!
 Halloween!  Isn't this the cutest dalmation puppy and orange dinosaur you've ever seen? Calder told me he wanted to be a dinosaur this year.  I asked him what color, and he specifically said "orange."  I had fun making their costumes.

Calder wears his dinosaur costume still at least a few times a week.  It's cute he loves it so much!
He LOVED trick-or-treating.

We had a few Halloween parties.  One at Craig's work, a ward fall festival, and another party with friends, and then the normal trick-or-treating to top it off.  I think that is the most Halloween parties I have ever gone to.  We were celebrating here for almost a week straight.  It was a little ridiculous! :)

Craig and I were Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
I mean Superman and Lois Lane? Wait a second...
 We carved pumpkins, too!

We definitely had a fun-filled fall!  

1 comment:

  1. You made those costumes? Those are adorable! And I love the clipboard frames; what a great idea!
