Tuesday, January 27, 2015

2014 Family Pics

One of my good friends has been taking our family pictures every year.  So while we are in Utah I always make it a point to meet up with her so we can get some updated pictures.  This year, it happened to be in the snow.  The kids didn't think it was the greatest idea.  But Jenny was able to get a bunch of good ones!  I had a hard time narrowing it down to these...

Jenny had a perfect spot picked out, so we set the kids down on the chair, backed away, and the wind picked up and blew the snow down from the trees onto the kids!  It was a perfect shot.
They knew they were being treated unfairly.
After warming them back up and changing locations to avoid more snow being blown on us, the kids tolerated the pictures, and I think we got some good ones!  I guess I should move us onto a summer picture rotation.
Here are some of Adelaide...

 And some of Calder...

This is one of my favorites. :) 

And then all of us!


  1. These are great! I love them! I can't believe how big your kids are getting.

  2. I love that first picture so much! Poor things. But so funny!
