Saturday, March 1, 2014

Almost 7 Months!

Ok, so I have really been slacking as far as documenting Adelaide's stats from her visits to the doc.  Next week she will be 7 months old!  What happened to my little baby?

4 Month stats
Height: 25.25 inches (75th percentile)
Weight: 14 lbs 9.5 oz (54th percentile)

6 Months stats:
Height: 26 inches (45th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs 13.5 oz (40h percentile)

 Adelaide has such a cute little personality!   She is such a happy and content little girl.  She is very social - she always wants to face out while she is being held, and loves to watch other people, especially kids.  She is starting to be a little wary when someone else is holding her.

Calder's using my phone so he could take pictures, too. :)
She has the cutest laugh! Craig and I can get her to laugh pretty easily now, but she laughs the easiest for Calder.  It is adorable. One of her favorite games is to chase Calder (it's one of his favorite games, too).  He will run or ride his bike around the loop (going through the kitchen and living room is one big loop - it's a perfect track) and I will hold her and we will chase him.  She just kicks her legs and moves her arms like she's running right along with him, and will let out little squeals of joy.

Adelaide loves singing! Anytime someone sings to her, her face brightens up and she gets a big smile!  When we sing in church, sometimes it seems like she is just singing right along.

She is such a wiggler!  Is is nearly impossible to change her diaper because the second I lay her down she's rolled over and moving away.
There's that tongue again...
She has been teething for a while - hopefully those darn things will pop through soon!  She went through a phase where she just stuck her tongue out all the time.  I think maybe because her gums felt different?

Adelaide will babble a little bit - mostly when she's mad.  That's when she "talks" the most.  She does blow raspberries/bubbles with her tongue quite frequently, though.
Love these three.
 She enjoys the swing occasionally.  She likes it best when Calder pushes the swing as high as it can go - nearly giving me a heart attack, but she just laughs.
 This girl is not a jumper!  This was the first time I put her in it, and she was thrilled she could stand by herself, but as soon as it started twisting and she was not in control anymore, she was done!
Adelaide loves to stand.  From the time she was super little - one month old - anytime we hold her she just wants to use her legs and stand.  Not jump or bounce, just stand.  She is very stable.  I think if she would sit long enough, she could sit up on her own on the floor, but she just stiffens up anytime I try to get her to sit!  If I hold her there long enough, she finally consents to sit up on the floor, but after about 3 seconds, she straightens her legs again, trying to stand, and just tips over!

She is just about crawling.  She skipped the army crawl almost completely.  As soon as she realized she could roll around to get places, she started popping up on her hands and knees.  At first, she would pop up on her hands and knees and just lean forward so when she collapsed she traveled forward slightly.  It looked like so much work!  But now she's been working the legs in there in between the collapses.  She's getting faster every day.  

Adelaide is so happy now that she can move around on her own!  She is so content just to play with her toys on the ground, and find everything that's not a toy to play with, too.  When I have to leave the room she's in for a bit, often I will come back and she's making her way over to follow me.  It's the cutest thing!

We went on a hike last week.  She was in heaven!
She LOVES being outside.  She will just kick her legs like crazy when we go outside because she gets so excited.

Adelaide loves her baths.  Every time I turn the water on and start getting her ready for her bath, she just squeals in delight!

Sleep habits - we are still working on making good ones.  Sleeping through the night hasn't come quite as easily for her as it did with Calder.

She started eating rice cereal and oatmeal, and loved them!  So I started her on squash, and the first time she had it, she didn't even react - like she was just used to it already.  She ate it super well!  Then I tried sweet potatoes, and she all the sudden entered a phase where she won't eat any solids.  Not even the cereals anymore!  I sneak in a couple bites every day, but she just hasn't been interested.  However, the last couple of days, she has eaten the cereal way better, so maybe she is regaining interest.  She does seem very interested in the food we eat, though.  She still has a hard time when I eat too much dairy, so I stay away from drinking milk, and eating yogurt.  I have started eating cheese again though, and that has been ok as long as it is in small doses.

We love our sweet little girl!  She is such a joy!  I am so grateful I get to be her mom!

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute! I love her blue eyes! And that picture of everyone sticking their tongues out is awesome :)
