Friday, April 4, 2014

Birthday Boy

Calder was soo excited to turn 3!  He is growing up so much!
We wanted to make the day really special for him, so we decorated the house the night before with balloons, crepe paper, and a happy birthday sign.

That morning, Craig woke him up to open presents before he had to head into work.  He was thrilled with the decorations - especially the balloons - all around the house.  He got some awesome presents - he loved all of them!!  We kept things pretty simple, and got him a little T-Ball set and a superman t-shirt (one just like Craig's).

Grandmas and grandpas got him a telescope, (which he loves to play around with) and a subscription to the Little Kids National Geographic. (He likes to tell me little facts that he's learned about the animals all the time.)

At noon, some of his friends from the ward came over for a birthday party.  We had some pizza, and played some amazing games of hide and go seek, duck duck goose, and Simon says.  After opening presents, the kids decorated their own cupcakes.  It was so cute seeing all of the kids in their little party hats.  I loved it!!  Craig was able to take a long lunch that day, so he was able to be there to help out with the party.
I love these goofy kids!
My boys in their matching shirts.  :)  I'm not sure which one of them likes to match with the other one more.
 The afternoon was filled with playing with his new toys, and finishing his birthday cake.  Calder likes a lot of things: Curious George, cars, trains, airplanes, balls, etc.  There wasn't anything that stuck out that he is obsessed with that I would pattern a birthday cake after, so I just went with the number 3 and a train. (Exception: he does have an obsession  - he is obsessed with pipes.  Like the pipes under the kitchen sink.  He loves learning everything about them: how water travels through them out of our house to the sewer, and onto the treatment plant, etc.  But I wasn't going to make a birthday cake look like plumbing.)

We had both sets of grandparents on video chat while we sang "Happy Birthday" to him that night, and then finished off the evening with a movie.

I LOVE that Calder's old enough to be so excited about everything - all day!!  It made it so much fun.  He is already excited to turn 4.  
Calder's birthday interview.  He was having a hay day with that frosting.

Happy Birthday, little man!  

1 comment:

  1. That cake is so cute! It turned out great! I can't believe Calder is three; he is getting so big!
