Tuesday, July 1, 2014


As I was going through my pictures (it has been far too long since I have loaded them all onto the computer!) I realized there were several that I want to post for my sake.  So here is a random smattering of what we've been up to the last month:
We bought a boat last October, and now that it is warm enough, we pulled it out of storage and have spent many evenings and Saturday afternoons on the water.  The lake is about 15 minutes away from our house, so it is the perfect activity if we have 2 or 3 hours to spare! :)
When the boat isn't on the water, it doubles as a "spaceship" in our garage.   We have explored the galaxy in that thing.
Walks at Crystal Bridges are always a favorite.  Just look at all that green!
Calder was so proud that he figured out how to climb up all by himself!
Bike rides to the park by our house fill up an hour and a half on many afternoons.  Adelaide is quite the little monkey, too!  

We love having picnics inside on rainy days.
Adelaide discovered the joy of using a walker!
Then she started using everything as a walker!
And another "walker"
I gave away the dishes we got when we were married (they were not kid friendly, I mean adult friendly. I broke several of our plates!) and I got a set of Corelle.  Hopefully these will last! 
For Father's Day the kids humored me and held these letters so I could take their pictures...

I put them all together in a frame that Craig took to work.
What I wish I had a picture of:
  • The amazing breakfast Craig made for Mother's Day: Eggs benedict and asparagus!


  1. Thats so cool! I wish we had a boat. Looks like you guys are having fun!

  2. That's so awesome that you have a boat! Sounds like you guys are loving Arkansas! Calder and Adelaide are so cute! I can't believe how big they are now.
