Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Utah! We missed you!

We flew back to Utah this summer for a visit.  First of all, it was amazing to fly, and not drive.  Although we had some minor delays on the way out, and our kids were ornery, I just kept reminding myself "we only have to travel for part of one day, not two days!" and I felt much better about the situation.  And they did amazing on the way home, but I am getting ahead of myself.

My parents picked us up from the airport.  It was so good to see everyone! Jake even came home from his mission in Germany to see us! (ok, so it was reverse...we went to Utah to see him. )

We were able to spend time with the Maughans the next few days, starting off with an amazing camping trip in Tony's Grove up Logan Canyon. Side note, Tony's Grove was where we got engaged, so it was fun to be back there.  It was breathtakingly beautiful!  There were so many wildflowers, of which I was particularly fond of.
Adelaide and Calder LOVED the Foxy the dog.
A little too much sunscreen!

We went on a walk to the little lake, and the kids had fun wading around in the water.  
The next day we got to go to Bear Lake.  A friend of Craig's family graciously agreed to bring his sail boat and let us all come sailing.  It fun!  Frightening, at times, too. (I thought we were going to tip over!) I love how blue Bear Lake is.  The kids enjoyed playing on the beach all day.

Calder wore himself out! He ended up sleeping for 2 hours on the beach!
Such a beautiful place.
I love how blue the water is!
We enjoyed a mini Maughan/Young family reunion the next day, complete with a waterfight.  Calder was overjoyed to be wielding a water gun.
Craig had nowhere to run to. he he. :)
Sunday we got to listen to Jake's returning missionary talk in church.  He did a nice job.  It was so good to see that kid.

We went up to the cabin for a few days with my family.  Everyone was there (minus Cody, because of scout camp.) Spent all three days at the lake.  It was so fun to be with all of my siblings! Such a blast! In no particular order - pictures from the cabin!
Grandma, Jocelyn, and Blaze 
The sand/booger face grin says it all.
Beautiful Pineview!
Cousins!  Blaze and Calder were best buddies the whole trip.  
Adelaide and Kenzie were two peas in a pod.  Crashed at the beach and everything together. :)
Beautiful sunset.
These three. :)
Adelaide learned quickly where Grandma kept all the good stuff.
Calder, Jocelyn, and Blaze all got to water ski on a trainer ski.  I was so proud!
Calder was so proud, too!
Every time he passed the beach he would turn, look, and give a little squeal to make sure everyone was watching. :)
We spent one day relaxing at my parents house.  The kids were thrilled to play with all of the toys at Grandma's house.  We visited the new aquarium, and really enjoyed seeing the otters, penguins, and sharks!

To finish up the trip, we headed back to Mendon where we had a babysitter. (Thanks Carin!)  Craig and I got to float a river with some friends (so fun to see you guys, Jon-David and Becky!). That evening, we went with Craig's dad to the Brigham City Temple.  (Thanks Elva for watching kids!)  I am so grateful for temples and the opportunity we had to go!  

The annual Mendon 24th of July Celebration happened to be that weekend.  It is a tradition to run in the 5k.  This year we talked ourselves up way more than we prepared for the race!  It was a fun time with some old friends.

We took some time to drive around Logan to show Calder Utah State University, Logan Regional Hospital (where he was born), and the Logan Temple.  So many good memories!
USU!!  Go Aggies!!!

Our return home was uneventful.  Both kids were happy, and no flight delays.  We were ready to be home again.  I am afraid I am spoiled now...I am not looking forward to the next time we have to drive instead of fly! 

What a wonderful trip!  We wore ourselves out.  Thanks family and friends for such a good time!  Now you all can make trip out to Arkansas...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sad we barely missed you guys in Utah, but it looks like you had a full schedule! Calder looks so old! I can't believed he skied - very impressive!
