Monday, January 25, 2010


Well, since it has been over a month (time flies!) I decided it was time to give a little update...

The last weekend we were in Brazil, we took a trip up to Craig's mission. After two years of looking-and-not-touching....

Craig couldn't wait to jump in the ocean! Our trip up to Maceio and Aracaju was the highlight of our experience in Brazil. We got to spend time playing on the beach and in the beautiful ocean,

ate some traditional North-Eastern Brazilian food, (some of it was good, some of it, not so much)

and visited some of the people that Craig worked with while he was on his mission.
It was amazing meeting all of the wonderful people from Craig's mission, and seeing some of the areas that he worked in.

So we went from this

To this.

And now we are back to the real world...and although we were FREEZING when we came back, we have adapted. We made it back safely to the United States right before Christmas, and spent the next week or so in between families houses until we got our apartment put together again. There is nothing like spending the holidays with the fam! It was so good to see everyone again!

In honor of our experience in Brazil, and our return to Logan, we hosted a Brazilian party for New Years, complete with Brazilian treats, games, and soccer jerseys.

Craig is really busy this semester between school and work. But he is doing really well managing his time and all that he has to get done. I have been working here and there being a substitute, and it has been okay, I just am not a fan of not knowing if and when I am going to work. So I just got a new job as an After School Club Leader, (it should be pretty fun) and will be interviewing for a couple of jobs this week for different teacher-related jobs.

We are doing really well, and are happy to be back and enjoying good ol' Aggie Village (minus enjoying the cinder blocks), intense games of Settlers and Rook, trips up to Lava Hot Springs, and more time with family.