Friday, August 31, 2012

Half Marathon Birthday

Sometimes I surprise myself a little.

Last Saturday was my 25th birthday (on the 25th of August!).  About 4 months prior, Craig and I had a few days where we were feeling perhaps a little overly-confident and a little crazy, and we signed up- me for the Top of Utah Half Marathon, and Craig for the Top of Utah Marathon. (His race is still to come.) And the Summer of Running began!  And while I can't say that I loved my training runs, I have to say that having a specific goal and purpose for running really helped it to be semi-enjoyable.  Before this summer, the farthest I had ever run was probably just a little longer than a 5k. It was kid of exciting (once the longer training runs began) to break my personal records (for the longest distance I have ever run) almost every week.

But I was still nervous about the actual race.  In training, I had only ever run a little over 10 miles, and I did pretty well, but a Half Marathon is 13.1, so I was a little apprehensive about adding on an extra 3 miles.

Craig did a great job making sure that I was hydrated, had enough sleep, and that all my stuff was ready to go.  My uncle Brent had previously given some advice. He said to start at the back of the pack, so you don't have to fight with the crowds (because you are all timed individually with a chip on your running bib, so it doesn't really matter when you cross the start line) and that way you can pass people the whole way. (which sounds kinda silly, but it does great things for your confidence as you are running!)  Turns out, it was super good advice, and I would give the same advice to anyone else running.

So Saturday morning came, and nervousness turned to excitement!  I felt great through the whole race, only walking during the water stations at mile 3, 6, 9, and 11.  And I finished, and enjoyed it.  Every minute.  That was the surprising thing to me!  I guess there is something about running with 2,000+ people.  There is so much energy in the air, it is contagious.   And it feels good to check off a big accomplishment (for me).

I came in at 2 hours, 21 minutes. But I subtract 5 minutes from that time because I spent 5 minutes waiting in line for a port-a-potty at mile 6.  You do what ya gotta do. :) So really, it was 2 hours and 16 minutes.  That is a little over 10 minute miles.  Slow, but that is what I was planning on.

This is the last 100 yards
Who knows, maybe if there is another summer when timing works out well, I may find myself signing up for another Half Marathon.
After the race
The rest of the day way great, too!  I ended up winning a 2 man tent in the raffle after the race.  And then we spent the rest of the day with Craig's family. His sister gave me a haircut, and they watched Calder so Craig and I could go on a date that night, and then enjoyed delicious cake and ice cream with his family afterwards.

What a memorable birthday!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Spiders and Dancing

We have so much fun with Calder.

I was singing "the itsy bitsy spider" to Calder the other day. It had been a while since we had sung that particular song, and he LOVED it!  Every time I finished, he kept asking for it again.  and again.  and again.  We probably sang it at least 10 times in a row.  But then all the sudden, Calder hopped up (he was sitting on the floor), grabbed Craig's flip flop that was on the floor, ran to the kitchen, and smacked the shoe against one of the cupboards.  I guess he made the connection what the song was really about- spiders.  Apparently he has adopted a similar attitude towards them that I have, too. (even though there wasn't really a spider on the cupboard, he would know what to do if there was one!)

Every so often, Craig will turn on some music, and we will both dance in the living room. You know, crazy dancing, with the music turned up.  Sometimes we would hold Calder while we danced, and sometimes Calder would just sit on the couch, watch, and laugh. Until last night. The music turned on, and Calder started dancing just like we were (at least trying really hard to).  I have never seen him dance with so much enthusiasm before!  It was incredible. :) My little guy is growing up.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Chartered Financial Analyst

We found out a little while ago that Craig passed his Level II CFA Test!!  I am so proud of him!  And we are so grateful - what a blessing!! According to Wikipedia...
"The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Program is a professional credential offered by the CFA Institute (formerly AIMR) to investment and financial professionals."  

There are three levels of the test, and they are offered only once a year.  Each level is a six hour test.  It is pass/fail, with not too much information given back as far as which questions you got correct, or even the percentage answered correct.  Only 42% of those who took the Level II test passed this year.

So now he only has the Level III exam left to take next June, and then he will have completed the CFA Program!  Yay Craig!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Grandma Slagowski

My Sweet Grandma passed away this past Monday.   She hadn't been doing very well for quite a while, and she was very ready and excited to be reunited with my Grandpa.   Even though we were all anticipating it, it is amazing how much it hurts to see her go.

The last year, I have been reading through some of her poems that she has put together.  I have loved reading her deepest, most sincere feelings about a myriad of things - but mostly about being a mother, wife, and about her gratitude for the Savior.  She has such a close relationship with our Savior, and has so much faith, she has been such a good example to me. 
Had I been standing there
and heard them shout,
"Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
We have no King but Ceasar,"
I'm sure I would have stepped forth
and said, "He is MY King!"
Even had it meant my life 
I could,
for He's my Everything.

But I may never have 
that one grand moment
to stand alone
and claim Him as my King - 
no chance,
in one great act of love,
however sweet,
to lay my life
on the alter at His feet.

Rather, in little ways,
day in, day out,
my love is shown.

In everything I do or say, 
I either claim him as my King
or stand there with the crowd 
and shout
"I have no King but Caesar!"
 - Leotha Slagowski

These poems probably don't mean too much to anyone else reading, but I am writing them down to help me remember her pure heart.
Jesus, our Redeemer
in the mansions 
of our Father,
long before
this earth was framed,
we dwelt with Thee.
And when our Father
taught us of His plan
and told us one must die,
a sinless sacrifice for sin,
to bring us home again,
Lord God of all,
we saw Thee stand
and heard Thee say,
"Here am I; send me."

Never, ever
throughout eternity
can I repay the debt
I owe, dear Lord,
to Thee.
But down here 
in mortality,
where men thirst 
to hear thy word
and there is so much 
want and need, 
surely I can stand and say,
"Here am I; send me."
- Leotha Slagowski

My grandma served as a missionary six times.  Her first was as a stake missionary in Arizona, then as a full time missionary in the Mexican Mission.  After raising her family, she served a Family History Mission, then served alongside my Grandpa in the Austria Vienna Mission.  Their particular assignment was to reopen the work in Poland while it was still behind the Iron Curtain.  My grandparents served an inner-city mission in Salt Lake City and then served in the Texas Houston East Mission in Jennings, Louisiana.  She also served in the Bountiful Temple for three years.

She lived about 4 miles from our house here in Bountiful, so the last year and a half, I was able to visit her fairly regularly.  She would always just love to watch Calder play, and would just tell me how beautiful Calder is.  She LOVED him!  The last time we saw her in the hospital, they told us that she could hear what we were saying, but she couldn't respond.  Her eyes would stay closed.  But when we were telling her goodbye, Calder started to wave to her.  I told her what he was doing, and she opened her eyes to see him.  A precious moment- I am glad she got to see her little Calder one more time.  

Grandma was happiest when she was surrounded by her family - even as chaotic as all of us are.  She raised 7 kids.  6 boys, and 1 girl. I think she really savored every moment with her kids.  

Anxious mom,
don't push the petals 
of the rose apart
before it's time!
A bud is such a precious,
lovely thing - 
and yours to treasure
such a little while.
Hold it tenderly.
Let it unfold 
to it's full glory
according to God's plan.

Can't you see
it will wither
in your hand
if forced to bloom
too soon?
- Leotha Slagowski

Oh, let me be a lifter.
May those who cross my path
go on their way
built up in self-esteem,
renewed in self-respect.
Teach me to understand 
that each person
is a child of God
with inherent potential,
beloved of Him
as much as I.
Help me to accept people
where they are
and how they are,
to always be aware
that tender feelings
need tender care.
Let me be generous
in praise
and quick to recognize
the smallest effort.
May I be the first to say, 
"I am so proud of you!"
Oh, let me be a lifter.
- Leotha Slagowski

Grandma, you were definitely a lifter.  I am sure it was a glorious reunion when you went home.  Thank you for the wonderful legacy you have left.