Friday, March 25, 2011

Water Skis

Growing up, my dad always called my feet "Water Skis" because they are long and skinny. Thanks, Dad. That's exactly what every girl wants her feet to be known as.

Well, sorry Calder. Apparently the Water Skiing gene has been passed down.

(His footprint at birth, next to a "new born" size shoe. The shoes only fit if he curls his toes a little.)

Maybe he was about to hit a major growth spurt. You know how they say the feet are the first to grow, then the body follows. I guess he has been growing a lot! At his two week appointment, he measured 21 and a half inches long...that's an inch and a half longer than he was when he was born...Holy moly. Good thing he came out when he did.

Let's just hope the Water Ski gene isn't just for his feet...he'll be 4 months in June. That may be a bit too early to start towing him behind a boat, but next summer...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It must have been the Popcorn

Friday, Feb. 25th:  
I said goodbye to the most amazing 5th grade class and many good friends.  I had so many mixed emotions.  (You can imagine, being pregnant doesn't help these types of situations...)  It was kind of a crazy day, but I was ready to move on...
After spending the whole evening at the school with Craig, organizing and getting things ready for the new teacher to step in, I was even more ready to move on.

Saturday and Sunday the 26th and 27th:
I was convinced (or mostly just really hoping) that baby would come that weekend, even though I wasn't due until the 8th of March.  So Saturday we finished packing the last couple of boxes from our Aggie Village apartment, and spent the rest of the two days hanging out and finding out ways to induce labor.  (None of which really worked.)

We couldn't hang out in Logan forever just waiting, so Sunday night we ate some popcorn, (that was one of the last ways to induce labor that we hadn't tried) drove down to Bountiful, and unloaded the last couple boxes into our new apartment.

Monday, Feb. 28th:
It must have been the popcorn.  Sure enough, at 2 in the morning, I woke up and started feeling contractions.  These were different than anything I had felt before, so I woke Craig up and we decided to wait until 3 to see if they kept coming and getting worse.  So at 3, we made the trek back up to Logan.  (I wanted the same doctor that I had been seeing already, plus, I didn't have a doctor in Bountiful yet)

By the time we got to Logan, the contractions were 4 minutes apart, and getting a lot stronger.  Things were progressing very quickly.  I was dilated to a 6 by 6:00 am, and got an epidural (which is AMAZING by the way!  It is so nice to watch the monitor and see all of the contractions going by and to not feel a thing.)  

By 7:30 am, I was completely dilated and effaced, my doctor came in and broke my water, and then we munched on ice chips and waited 45 min. for someone to come in to tell us it was time to start pushing.

Calder Craig Maughan was born at 8:47 am, weighed in at 7 lbs 8 oz. and was 20 inches long.

What an amazing, miraculous experience!  I can't describe how much joy little Calder has already brought to our lives. 

He is already a deep thinker.

 Isn't he such a cute little man? 
  We are so excited and happy to have him with us!   
So really, Calder came at the perfect time, after all our loose ends in Logan were taken care of.  We were so blessed to have everything go so smoothly!