Tuesday, August 25, 2009

City Center and Vitamin C

It's my turn (Craig) to write about our adventures from the week. Work has been going pretty well for me, everything seems to be under control. Meanwhile, Becca has been having fun at the apartment trying out her Portuguese skills on the maids; she has "tudo bem" down to an art! Friday night we got an invitation from some of the ward members to go out on the town the next morning, these are the pictures we took. Enjoy!

This is a park in the center of the city, I actually proselyted here when I was in the CTM. Behind us is the Teatro Municpal (municipal theater for anyone who didn't pick that up).

Here are some sweet buildings and a sweet girl!

I am standing in front of the building where they trade futures and commodities.

Here is the Mercadao. It was a train station once, now they've converted it into a market place. They sell all kinds of fruits, spices, and meats inside (including alligator, yum!) The next two pictures were taken inside of it.

Want Frut??!!

This was the stand where they were selling alligator meat. We asked the workers if people actually bought it, they told us that a lot of people buy it, and eat it too! I think we'll have to work up to alligator meat....

This is a building that the city government condemned. You can't see it super well, but it is all marked up with Grafitti. I couldn't get over how they were able to spray paint everywhere. Whoever did it was dedicated.

I was about to take a picture of the street, when this guy walked in front of the camera and asked for a picture; he was drunk. I wonder if he would have done it otherwise...

This is the center of the city, where Sao Paulo was started by Jesuit Priests.

A pretty yellow tree that was in the city center, possibly planted by the Jesuit Priests.

A Cathedral.

Sao Paulo has the second highest Japanese population in the world, this is the neighborhood where they hang. Note the oriental lamp posts.
I caught a cold and wanted to get some vitamin C in me. Oranges were the best fruit I knew about in the US. Here in Brazil, they use something a little more potent....Acerola! The vitamin C content in this one package is 2,485% of the daily requirement. Needless to say, I was over my cold the next day :-)


  1. With that much vitamin C YOU AIN'T GOT SCURRRRVYY!
    I hear Aligator meat is really similar to halibut.?

  2. I love that man who wanted his picture taken. Find him and bring him to me.
