Monday, April 9, 2012

13 Months Old

So here is a little update on the things Calder is doing lately.

He has just recently (like, the last couple days) been brave enough to let go of our hands and try to walk!  He has been super sturdy for a long time, I guess he just wasn't ready to do it by himself yet. It has been so exciting!!  He can go several steps consistently by himself, but a few times he has walked as much as 10 steps (maybe a few more) all by himself!  We are so proud of him.  I think it is just a matter of time (like a week or so) and he will have it down. 

He is a bottomless pit!  Calder eats 3 full meals and 2 snacks (sometimes 3) a day. (although most of the time, his snacks are just as big as his meals) He LOVES peanut butter, loved canned green beans (he ate them almost every day for a month!  But he is over that obsession), loves bananas, and will eat pretty much anything we are eating.  

Calder is officially weaned!  Hooray! We were worried for a little while, because he wasn't drinking very much fluids.  But he is doing a lot better at that, too.

He is a climber.  We still have his toy saucer out (mostly because I don't know what to do with it), and the other day he climbed up onto it, and proceeded to sit down in it!  And then yesterday, the dryer door was open and he stood by it, reached all the way to the other edge (like into the dryer), grabbed a hold, and pulled himself up onto the dryer door.  Lately he has been trying to climb onto the kitchen chairs, but can't quite do that yet. (Thank heavens) The nice thing, though, is he knows how to get down from most things now.  We taught him how to get down from the couch by himself, and now he knows how to go down stairs, etc.
He loves the park!  He giggles every time we push him in the swing, and likes the slides, but I think he really likes seeing the other kids and playing outside. (plus, there are lots of things to climb there!)

He still loves books.  He will find a book somewhere, hold it up, and bring it over to me so that we can read it together.
Calder still only has 4 teeth, and I keep thinking another one is going to show up any day by the way he keeps drooling and chewing on things.  But I have thought that for a while, so we will see.

He can touch his toes on command, his belly, and mom and dad's noses.  Most of the time when we are reading, he is able to point out the picture of the dog or lion in the book.  One of the books we have has some bible stories in it, and so he can also point out baby Moses and Daniel in the lion's den.  

He will dance when he hears music (bounces up and down while standing, and shakes his head) and he thinks it is hilarious!

He is getting quite the personality.  We sure have fun with our boy!


  1. Sounds like you officially have a toddler. It seems like it gets near impossible to keep them out of stuff once they can climb. It definitely keeps you entertained!

  2. What a cutie pie! Conner didn't even start getting teeth until about his age and now he's almost got a full set! So they'll come, but we totally know about thinking they're coming for weeks and then they just...don't. Good luck with figuring out how to walk little Calder! You'll be a champ in no time:)

  3. How cute! I can't wait to see Savannah and Calder play together :)
