Sunday, November 4, 2012


Halloween this year was so much fun!  We decided that since Calder is obsessed with air planes, it only made sense for him to be an Aviator. 
 I looked online for a costume, but they were either super expensive, or lame.  So I decided to make it!  I have to say, I am pretty proud of myself.
At first, Calder didn't love wearing his costume, but I trained him so that every time he put it on, he got a piece of candy. (Like a smarty - I know, I pay out big time.)  But in no time at all, he LOVED putting on his costume.  Score!

We had a ward party where there was a "Trunk-or-Treat."  He got the hang of picking a candy out of the bowls REALLY fast.  We "Trick-or-treated" down main street the next day (on Halloween) with some friends from the ward.  He got a good haul, and loves picking a treat out of his "pumpkin" everyday.

I always look forward to holidays, but they are so much fun now that Calder can get excited about them, too, and we can show him the ropes.  And they will just get to be more fun as he gets older, because he will understand what's going on!  How exciting!

*Oh, and I have to mention, just because we are thrilled - Calder spent the last 2 Sundays in Nursery all by himself and had a great time!  Hooray!!!


  1. So cute! That is a great costume idea! I am also proud (and jealous) of Calder staying in nursery. Eliza went last week and loved it...until another child bit her. Now she's traumatized and I had to stay in there with her all day today... Hopefully we'll work up to enjoying nursery before the next baby comes along. :) Good job again on making Calder's costume--next year I'll hire you to make all of ours!

  2. That is such a cute costume! You did a great job! I will have you help me when I decide to make Savannah a costume :)

  3. He is adorable in that costume! I'm really impressed with your skills.

  4. I love his costume! Halloween was really fun this year and I am even more excited for Christmas. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun in NY! Those kind of experiences build dendrites in our little guys.
